Flying Flour, Splashing Spices, Roomful Aromas

Saturday, June 19, 2010

30 Posts in 30 Days Challenge

I thought I would give this challenge a try.  Check out my nablopomo (national blog post month) blog page to read more about how I came to bread baking and some of my creative writing efforts.  My goal is to write, write, write and write.  My goal is to recreate a daily writing ritual in order to   finish stories started and pursue publication.  30 posts in 30 days will appear on the nablopomo site, not Flour, Flour Everywhere.  More for Flour, Flour Everywhere with recipes and photos coming soon.  Thanks for checking in.  Come back often.~ Lisa~

1 comment:

  1. The blog titled is Lisa's Lovin' Loaves not Flour, Flour Everywhere.
    Reset your links for favorites if you had me marked.

    Many blogs and entries had flour, flour everywhere as text in the body. Hopefully, the change will make it easier to increase traffic to the blog and clarify my blog as one of a baker in particular.

    Thanks for popping in tos ee what is coming form the oven!
